21 de abril  →  03 de junio de 2023

“Exclusive Investments" is the result of work begun in 2019 in which various locations were recorded using a dual-use transportable digital pinhole device, which functions as a pinhole camera and as a temporary shelter to protect oneself from the cold or spend the night on the street. It is about photographing from within, elaborating the image from inside the device, inhabiting the image.

The images produced by the device/camera/shelter are digital captures of the representations of the environment projected inside the box. The places that are projected inside the shelter are rectified when they are exposed to the public, so it is the objects inside the cabin that appear inverted.

The device records degraded landscapes, scenarios for future real estate developments along with various institutional locations. The result is grouped into a project that includes printed pinhole/digital images along with external documentation of various locations of the device.


Both the process of elaboration of the images and the result are presented in the form of an exercise in subversion of the very codes and technologies of image production, by exposing them to situations for which they have not been conceived. In this way, technical devices are forced to produce images with unpredictable results that recover our critical and creative capacity against the pre-established programs that govern digital artifacts.

Exclusive Investments presents a look at the refuge from an internal perspective and raises an idea of ​​identity as a defense of fundamental rights, included in article 25 of the universal declaration of Human Rights.



Iván Pérez (1973, España) es un artista e investigador. Doctor en artes visuales por la UCLM. Complementa sus estudios en la AKI Academy of Art & Design, Holanda y en el International Center of Photography en Nueva York.

Su trabajo se ha mostrado en museos, galerías y centros de arte de distintos países en Europa y América, como la UDK, fundación Karl Hoffer o la Galería Isabelle Lesmeister en Alemania, Kustera Tilton Gallery, ICP, ISCP y Goliath Visual Space en Nueva York, Palacio de Galveias en Lisboa, la Galería Na Solyanke en Moscú, CCCB, Casa Encendida, Photoespaña, Matadero Madrid, Casa de América, Palacio de Revillagigedo, CGAC o Tabacalera, y en las galerías ATM, Moriarty, Valle Quintana, Doble Espacio, JM o Luis Burgos, en España.

His pieces are part of various collections such as the CAC Málaga, UCLM, Rafael Tous Collection, CAB Burgos, or the Cristina Masaveu Foundation.

He has participated in the programs of different centers and international residences such as the International Studio And Curational Program in New York, Van de Nieue Dingen Art Space in the Netherlands or the Karl Hoffer Foundation in Berlin. Also at international fairs such as ARCO Madrid, US-HQ1 Kunst&Design Berlin, Scope Art Miami or Art Lisboa.

He has taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cuenca, at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Salamanca and at the European Institute of Design in Madrid and at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

As a curator, he has been the founder and director of the 143Delicias festival (Madrid's first video art festival), and of the European Embassy in Europe, an art space in Madrid.

He currently works at the Intermediate Creations Laboratory of the UPV, within the Margarita Salas postdoctoral program.




Opening hours

Jueves y viernes
18:00 → 20:00
12:00 → 14:00

Víctor Manuel III, 18
28019 Madrid
→  Cómo llegar


Visit by appointment
Whatsapp +34 670618128
Teléfono +34 913045262
email info@planta1.es
