16 May → 30 June 2024

Do you think it would be possible to paint with your eyes closed?
It is very likely that anyone familiar with the career of Eduard Resbier, Barcelona 1968, would share with me a positive answer. For many years I have imagined Eduard's brain as a rudimentary photographic camera, without great technical complications, but with a great storage capacity, infinite I would dare to say.  


In his work capturing images, the sea has stood out from the beginning. It has accompanied him since his birth, so I imagine that, over the years, thousands of images have overlapped one on top of the other, and I suppose that one day he woke up with the discovery that he only had to transmit the coordinates of a snapshot to his hands, so that his fingers would be able to make thousands of variations that would make each representation different and unique.  

Therefore, we could come to the conclusion, not without humour, that digital printing was invented by Eduard much more than thirty years ago with an image processing system much simpler than the current ones, surely, indecipherable or inexplicable for today's technique, but with much more beautiful results. We will never tire of looking at them, there is something that will captivate you in them. The difference is clear: printers have no soul.


I suppose that one day he met the desert and the aquatic fluids were joined forever by the sandy fluids, two different ways of giving us a material cosmos, printed by his hands on paper, which embraces us at the same time as it overwhelms us and, after a jolt, brings us back to reality, to the simple drop of salt water that we are among the billions, to the grain of sand that, although with its own limits, ends up melting into the infinite that surrounds it.

I don't know when, I don't know if it was before or after his previous trip, but it doesn't matter, Eduard also approached the mountain.

Many years have passed since Eduard began to paint, but now that we are here, on 16 May 2024, it is time for planta1 to pay our modest tribute to this great artist, a painter by trade, by compiling a selected part of his impressions from those three visionary moments in his life. Images of natural elements in their immensity, without concrete definitions of place, charged with power and converted into almost abstractions that shelter our daydreams at the moment we look at them.  


Eduard Resbier's pictorial universe, between figuration and abstraction, full of blurred forms and blurred contours, places the spectator in an ambiguous and indeterminate time, in which reality itself is called into question.

He has had solo exhibitions in numerous national galleries, such as Galería Metta (Madrid), Galería Trinta (Santiago de Compostela), Galería Gianni Giacobbi (Palma de Mallorca), Galería Alejandro Sales (Barcelona), Galería Mª José Castellví (Barcelona); and in international galleries such as Metro4 (Basel, Switzerland), Galerie Fabrice Galvani (Toulouse, France), Galería Emilio Navarro (Miami, USA), among others. He has participated regularly in the ARCO fair (Madrid), and in numerous foreign fairs such as Arte BA 08 (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Arte Lisboa (Portugal), Chicago Art Fair (USA), Art Cologne (Germany), Artíssima (Turin, Italy) and Liste (Basel, Switzerland). His work is present in prestigious collections such as the Fundación Coca-Cola España, Fundación Caja Madrid, Fundación Rafael Botí (Córdoba), the Col.lecció Testimoni de La Caixa, the Bank of Spain, the University of Barcelona, the International University of Barcelona and the Marugame Hirai Museum (Japan). In 2010, he has held a solo exhibition at the Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos (CAB) and in 2011, it participated with Trama in the JUSTMAD Fair in Madrid.




Opening hours

Thursday and Friday
17:00 → 20:00
11:30 → 14:30

Víctor Manuel III, 18
28019 Madrid
→  Cómo llegar


Visit by appointment
Whatsapp +34 670618128
Phone +34  913045262
email info@planta1.es

